
GrowTogether | Crowdfunding Platform

For the purposes of the following Terms of Service, “GrowTogether,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and similar terms shall denote the entity you are entering into a contract with. To clarify, GrowTogether Inc. reserves the right to enforce and utilize the rights outlined in these Terms of Service on behalf of the contracting party. Information regarding how to contact us can be located at the conclusion of these Terms of Service.


At GrowTogether, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or amend sections of these Terms of Service at any time. Whenever feasible, we will endeavor to provide 30 days' notice for substantial changes to these Terms of Service. In certain circumstances, such as when required by law, changes may be implemented with short or no notice. We will make efforts to inform users of such changes via email or other suitable means. Following any modifications, we will post the updated Terms of Service on this page and specify the date of the revision.

By continuing to use the Services after the effective date of any alterations, you indicate your acceptance of the updated Terms of Service. Subject to applicable law, the English version of these Terms of Service holds legal precedence, while translations in other languages are provided for convenience purposes only. In instances where discrepancies arise between the English version and its translations, the English version shall govern. Should you disagree with the updated Terms of Service, you are advised to cease using the Services.

Furthermore, by utilizing the Services, you agree to adhere to additional applicable policies, including but not limited to those outlined in the Privacy Notice.

Access and Use of the Services

Services Description: GrowTogether serves as a platform enabling individuals, entities, or non-profit organizations (referred to as "Organizers") to create fundraising campaigns ("Fundraisers") on the platform to solicit monetary contributions ("Donations") from donors ("Donors") on behalf of the designated beneficiary of the Fundraiser ("Beneficiary"). Additionally, through our affiliate, Classy, Inc., we operate Classy.org, primarily providing services to non-profit organizations in the US.

Payment Processor: GrowTogether acts solely as a facilitator and does not hold any funds. Instead, we utilize third-party payment processing partners ("Payment Processor") to handle Donations for Fundraisers. You acknowledge and agree that our collaboration with Payment Processors is essential for the provision of our Services. Refer to the "Payment Processors" section below and our Privacy Notice for details regarding the third parties we cooperate with and share information with.

Transaction Fee: While there are no charges for initiating or maintaining a Fundraiser, it's important to note that a transaction fee, inclusive of credit and debit charges, is deducted from each donation (referred to as "Transaction Fee"). For more information about the platform and the applicable Transaction Fee, please visit the GrowTogether Pricing page.

Services as Platforms; Not a Broker or Financial Institution: GrowTogether functions solely as an administrative platform. We facilitate Organizers' Fundraisers and enable Donors to contribute to these Fundraisers. We do not act as brokers, agents, financial institutions, creditors, or non-profit corporations.

Third-Party Information and Content: Any third-party information or content hosted by GrowTogether on the platform is for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of such information or content. It is not intended to provide financial, legal, tax, or other professional advice. Before making any decisions regarding Fundraisers, Charities, Donations, Donors, or any information or content related to the Services, it is recommended to consult with your financial, legal, tax, or other professional advisor.

User Conduct and Liability: GrowTogether does not control the conduct of Users or the accuracy of the information provided by them. Therefore, we disclaim all liability in this regard to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. We do not guarantee the success of any Fundraiser or endorse any User, Fundraiser, or cause. We also do not guarantee that any information provided through the Services is accurate. We expressly disclaim liability or responsibility for the outcome or success of any Fundraiser. Donors must independently assess the value and appropriateness of contributing to any User or Fundraiser.

No Solicitation: GrowTogether provides the platform to assist Organizers in raising funds. The existence of the Services does not constitute a solicitation of donations by GrowTogether. We do not engage in solicitation activities or provide consultation on soliciting contributions from the public on behalf of any individual, entity, or organization. By using the Services, you acknowledge that GrowTogether is not responsible for the use of Donations or the amount of funds raised for the User or Fundraiser.

Donors: All Donations are made at the Donor's own risk. When making a Donation through GrowTogether, it is the Donor's responsibility to understand how their contribution will be utilized and to regularly check the Fundraiser content for updates. GrowTogether is not accountable for any offers, promises, rewards, or promotions made or offered by Users or Fundraisers, as such conduct violates our Terms of Service. We do not verify the information provided by Users or Fundraisers, nor do we guarantee that Donations will be used as intended. However, we take reports of possible fraudulent activity or misuse of funds seriously. If you suspect that a User or Fundraiser is not utilizing funds for their stated purpose, please utilize the "Report" button on the Fundraiser to alert our team for investigation. Additionally, Donors may be covered by the GrowTogether Giving Guarantee.

If you are a Donor contributing to a non-profit organization legally established under applicable incorporation or trust laws ("Charity"):

A. You are not allowed to impose constraints on how the Charity utilizes your Donation. If you contribute to a specific program of a Charity or attempt to specify how your Donation should be used, these instructions are merely suggestions, and the Charity retains full discretion to determine the allocation of all Donations.

B. It is advisable to seek advice from your tax advisor regarding the tax deductibility or eligibility for tax recognition of your Donation, considering various factors such as the tax status of the recipient in relevant jurisdictions. GrowTogether does not guarantee whether any portion of your Donations, including Transaction Fees if applicable, is eligible for tax deductions, credits, or equivalent benefits. GrowTogether bears no responsibility for any claims made by tax authorities regarding the tax treatment of Donations on applicable tax returns submitted by you, other Users, or the Charity.

C. By using our services, you acknowledge and consent to the sharing of certain personal information with the Charity you donate to, as outlined in our Privacy Notice. This information may include, but is not limited to, being included in a Donor List and utilized by the Charity to issue official Donation receipts or equivalent documents, in accordance with the Charity's privacy policy. GrowTogether does not assume responsibility and shall not be held liable for the Charity's handling of any Donor information.

Organizers: As an Organizer on GrowTogether, you assume certain responsibilities and commitments to ensure the integrity and transparency of your fundraising efforts. By creating and managing a fundraiser, you agree to the following:
  1. Accuracy and Transparency: You pledge that all information provided in connection with your fundraiser is accurate, complete, and not intended to deceive users. You commit to posting updates as necessary to keep donors informed about the use of funds and any other pertinent details regarding your fundraiser.
  2. Intended Use of Donations: You guarantee that all donations received for your fundraiser will be utilized solely for the purposes outlined in your campaign materials. Funds will be allocated as described, and any deviations will be communicated transparently to donors.
  3. Beneficiary Control: If you withdraw donations intended for a beneficiary other than yourself, you agree to ensure that all funds are transferred to or utilized on behalf of the designated beneficiary.
  4. Respect for Rights: You commit to respecting the rights of others, including intellectual property rights, throughout the duration of your fundraiser.
  5. Compliance with Laws: You agree to adhere to all relevant laws and financial reporting obligations associated with your fundraiser. This includes but is not limited to requirements related to registration, tax reporting, political contributions, and financial disclosures.
  6. Protection of Personal Data: If you share personal data of any third party with GrowTogether, you affirm that you have the necessary authority and consent to do so under applicable laws. This includes providing consent for GrowTogether to use such data for the intended purposes.
  7. No Goods or Services in Exchange for Donations: You will not offer goods or services in exchange for donations. Contributions are made voluntarily and without expectation of receiving anything in return.
By utilizing GrowTogether's services as an agent of a charity, you further affirm the following:
  • Representation of Charity: You are authorized to raise funds for the designated charity and bind the organization to the terms of service.
  • Legal Compliance: Fundraising activities are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Purpose of Funds: Donated funds will be used exclusively for the stated purpose of the fundraiser, in compliance with the charity's objectives.
  • Tax-Exempt Status: The charity maintains tax-exempt status under applicable law and is registered with the appropriate databases for verification.
  • Accuracy of Registration Information: All registration information provided to GrowTogether must be true, accurate, and up-to-date. This includes details about the organizer or authorized representative of the charity.
Registration with GrowTogether may be required to access certain features of the platform. By registering, you agree to provide accurate and current information about yourself or your charity. Registration data is governed by GrowTogether's Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.
If you are under the age of 16, you are not authorized to use GrowTogether's services. Additionally, if you are under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, you may only use the services with the approval of a parent or guardian.

Please note that inaccuracies or violations of these terms may result in the suspension or termination of your access to GrowTogether's services, as well as potential fines imposed by relevant authorities.

B. Removal of a Charity from our Database. If you are the authorized representative of a Charity and wish for your Charity not to be included in GrowTogether's searchable database, you can contact us to request its removal. To request removal, please send us an email containing your full name, title, and an email address and phone number associated with your Charity. Please note that if your Charity is removed from GrowTogether's database, it will no longer be eligible to receive contributions through the platform.

C. Receiving Funds. As a Charity, receipt of donations, after deducting any applicable transaction fees, is subject to the procedures and terms of the relevant payment processor. Details of available payment processors are provided under "Payment Processors for Charities" below. GrowTogether does not function as a payment processor and does not hold funds.

D. Taxes. GrowTogether does not withhold funds for tax purposes. Charities are solely responsible for taxes based on applicable international, federal, state, local, or any other taxes or levies, as well as any taxes based on their net income or gross receipts.

E. Donor Lists and Other Data. A Charity may access information about a fundraiser organizer, donor lists, and donor data for compliance and transactional purposes. For any inquiries regarding donor data, please contact us. "Donor Data" includes a donor's name, email address, donation amount, transaction date, transaction ID, and project name. The list of donors who contribute to a charity's fundraiser through GrowTogether ("donor lists") is provided "as is," and GrowTogether makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees about its accuracy, completeness, or timeliness. Even if a donor selects the "Anonymous" checkbox during donation, the donor consents to the disclosure of their donor data as described herein, including disclosure as part of a donor list.

Taxes: It's your responsibility to determine applicable taxes on the donations you receive through GrowTogether. You're solely responsible for assessing, collecting, reporting, or remitting any correct tax to the appropriate tax authority.

Member Account, Password, and Security: You're responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account, if any. You agree to immediately notify GrowTogether of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other security breach. GrowTogether will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this section.

reCAPTCHA: GrowTogether uses the reCAPTCHA product for added security. reCAPTCHA is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Google Maps: GrowTogether uses the Google Maps feature and content, subject to the then-current versions of the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy.

Modifications to the Services: GrowTogether reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the services (or any part thereof) at any time and for any reason, without liability to you or any third party for any claims, damages, costs, or losses resulting therefrom. While GrowTogether will endeavor to provide notice of planned modifications or disruptions to the service, this may not be possible in the case of unplanned outages or legally mandated changes.